
Bob Schockweiler 
41, rue Camille Polfer, 
L-2359 Luxembourg
Phone (mobile): +352 691 360 361

Authorisation/ETS: 10090235/0
VAT Number: LU30461456
RCS: A42455

Contact person and responsible for content is Bob Schockweiler (same contact information as above). 
webFashion stands for the online projects organized and created by, at least, Bob Schockweiler and maybe others - depending on the project. webFashion is therefore not a company and not linked to one.
webFashion is committed to maintaining full confidentiality and complete privacy regarding personal data obtained in connection with any visit to this website. In collecting and/or processing such personal data, we comply with all relevant national legal stipulations. Please note that the pages of our website may contain links to the sites of other providers who are not bound by our policy on data privacy and security. See our privacy policy for more information on this.

Full imprint and privacy policy available at